Date Posted:
Product: ChemBioOffice Enterprise
Product: ChemBioOffice Enterprise
Unable to edit "Users Roles" in Manage Roles section - drop down list do not appear.
after Login as a user with "ADMIN" credentials.
1. Select "Manage Roles".
2. Select "REGISTRATION" from the dropdown of "View Roles From:".
3. Select one of the roles e.g. SUPERVISING_CHEMICAL_ADMIN.
4. At the top, click on "Edit Users".
Expected results: A list of users will be shown quickly.
Actual result: List does not display
Solution: Make sure to create as low role as possible. However If you have more than 30+ roles in the system. Kindly contact our customer support and provide them with the bug No#CBOE-4618 where this issue is suppose to be fixed.
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