Product: ChemBioOffice Enterprise
How to enable application tracing in CBOE?
To enable application tracing:
1. Click Application Tracing under Security in the CBOE home page.
2. Select an application to trace from the list of applications available and click OK.
3. Select 'ON' in the Trace Status column. Click OK on the two pop-up windows that appear.
Note: You can display trace information for individual pages by selecting 'Enable page timer' for your desired application.
4. Minimize/close the window and perform the required tasks in the application.
To view the trace report:
1. Click View in the View Trace column.
2. The trace file showing timing information in seconds for the task performed appears.
To delete the trace report:
1. Click Delete in the Delete Trace column.
2. Click OK on the pop-up window that appears
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