Product: ChemBioOffice Enterprise
I want to output reports for PDF in BioSAR, but If you select the PDF output format on the report output screen, there is nothing in the client.
How to set the output of the PDF, please refer as follows. 1. Browse to \ChemOffice\ ChemInv\Installation\win2pdf . 2. Install the win2pdf driver by double-clicking on w2pdf151.exe. 3. Go to START>Settings> Control Panel>Printers and check that the win2pdf printer is the default Windows Printer. 1. Right-click on the printer. 2. Select Set As Default Printer. 3. Purchase a license and registration code from: 4. Right click on the win2pdf printer (in START> Control Panel>Printers )and select Properties. 5. Enter the regcode you purchased. 4. Browse to /ChemOffice/WebServer_source/cfserverasp/RPT 5. Double-click on reports.exe and click Stop. 6. Open the BioSAR_reports.mdb file (found in your ChemOffice_data/BioSAR Enterprise folder). 7. Open the ReportFormats table and check the Available checkbox for the PDF format. 8. Close Microsoft Access.
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