Product: ChemBioOffice Enterprise
Using European Date and Number formats in COUE9 applications
Starting with Web Server and ChemREG 2005, international floating number format and international date formats are supported.
US number format uses "." as decimal symbol, "," as digit grouping symbol, while European format uses "," as decimal symbol, "." as digit grouping symbol.
For date formats, US date format is generally "mm/dd/yyyy" whereas the European date format is "dd/mm/yyyy".
There is a flag FLOAT_FORMAT in cfserver.ini. If it is set to 8, the number will be formatted in US format, if it is set to 9, it will be formatted in European format.
With the flag DATE_FORMAT in cfserver.ini set to 8 (which is the default), the dates will be formatted in US format, if it is set to 9, they will be formatted in European format.
Important: The IIS server needs to be consistent with the FLOAT_FORMAT flag. In other words, if the IIS server is a US system, this flag needs to be set to 8, and the numbers will be in US format.
IF the IIS server is a European system, this flag needs to be set to 9, and the numbers will be in European format. The IIS server locale CAN NOT be inconsistent with FLOAT_FORMAT flag, otherwise there will be malfunctioning.
Note this is different from the Date Format. For dates, the DATE_FORMAT is the only thing that matters. IIS server locale is ingorable.
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