Product: ChemBioOffice Enterprise
Changing the size of the structure window in ChemOffice WebServer Products
How to change the size of the structure window in list form, details form or query form in BioSAR, Inventory, Registration or ChemACX Enterprise Applications
First of all, when you make changes to the .asp pages of these applications, *always* first make a copy of the file you are going to modify and rename. This way, if things go terribly wrong, then you can recover your old configuration and try again.
1. Open the application you want to modify and go to the page where you want to change the structure window size.
2. Right click on the page (not in the chemdraw window) and select 'view source'. Note the name of the asp file in title of the resulting notepad document, e.g. "reg_result_form".
3. Go to your server and in the Windows Explorer go to ...inetpub\wwwroot\chemoffice\ (ChemReg in this case). Search the application's folder for the reg_result_form.
4. Now is the time to make your backup copy of the .asp page and rename it reg_result_form_11_11_05.asp.
5. Open the working form in notepad and search for the string 'struc_output'. After several hits you'll find a line like this:
ShowResult dbkey, formgroup, StructuresRS,"Structures.BASE64_CDX", struc_output, 330, 200%>6. The 330,200 numbers in this line are the number of pixels in the structure window's X and Y axis.
7. Change the numbers to what you would like them to be, save the page and you're ready to go check out your new structure size.
These are active server pages so no IIS reset or estarting of the application is needed to have the change take effect.
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