Date Posted:
Product: ChemBioOffice Enterprise
Product: ChemBioOffice Enterprise
Why can't I import plates or view structures properly in BioAssay HTS?
In some cases, the default Chem_Inv DSN (created for Inventory Manager) is not sufficient to import plates or view structures properly in BioAssay HTS. The cause for this problem is unknown. To workaround this issue:
- Use the ODBC Control Panel to create a new DSN:
- Open the ODBC Control Panel
- NT4.0 Server: Located in control panel
- Windows 2000 Server: Start Menu >Programs>Administrative Tools>Data Sources
- Select System DSN tab
- Click Add
- Double Click on Oracle ODBC Driver
- Fill in the following information:
- Data Source Name: Chem_Inv_Hts
- Description: Chem_Inv_Hts
- Service Name: <Oracle Service Name> for your target database
- User ID: cheminvdb2
- Open the file inetpub\wwwroot\chemoffice\cswda\config\cswda.ini.
- Set DSN_INV to be chem_inv_hts.
- Run iisreset.
This only affects proxy connections. Direct connections have no known issues with structure import or viewing.
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