Product: ChemBioOffice Enterprise
Why doesn't my Inventory Manager, integrated with Registration System, function correctly?
Why doesn't my Inventory Manager, integrated with Registration System, function correctly
In an Inventory Manager system that is integrated with Registration System, the ChemInvdb2 Oracle user needs to have SELECT privileges over some registration tables. The appropriate grants are issued by Inventory Manager installation scripts but will be lost in the following situations:
1) The regdb schema is not present at the time ChemInv scripts are run
2) The regdb schema is drop and rebuilt after ChemInv schema is created
It is therefore recommended that for an integrated system the Registration System schema (regdb) be present before the Inventory Manager schema is set up. The missing grants that should be issued to fix the problem are:
Connect cs_security/oracle;
GRANT SELECT on regdb.reg_numbers to cheminvdb2;
GRANT SELECT on regdb.batches to cheminvdb2;
GRANT SELECT on regdb.alt_ids to cheminvdb2;
GRANT SELECT on reg_numbers to inv_browser;
GRANT SELECT on batches to inv_browser;
GRANT SELECT on alt_ids to inv_browser;
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