Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
Unable to access ELN even after the ELN and DB services are live, what else to investigate?
Once you have confirmation that your Date Base and ENServices are Live but still unable to access the application.
I would suggest to performa 2 basic network trouble shooting:
1) Ping from application machine to the Data Base server. the It would be always better to also check the network connection.
2) TNSPING from the applciation machine to the Data base.
NOTE: If both the above pings with IP and not via host name, then there could be some issue with the network configutation path.
In some cases we found that DNS resolution to the host name was not happening from the correct path. Also we found that DNS servers configured on this Web Server were correct and also verified that DNS servers were resolving the DNS queries fine. The issue could be specific to a NIC case on the server and during troubleshooting, we found the Backup NIC was enabled and routes were added to the machine to communicate with Backup Server. The trace was passing through Backup NIC due to incorrect routes and hence failing to resolve the IP.
Temperory Solution: Disable the Backup NIC and make the primary NIC the communication should work fine as expected.
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