Where can I find Group info for the users?
I find it difficult to identify the main user group as groups are of different level, I would like to have only level 1 and not for users referenced in other groups
Launch SQL Developer as ENDB user (ELN DB schema owner) and run following script:
select distinct
sys_connect_by_path(c.name,'\') as path_group,
c.name as group_name
from eln_references r1,
eln_collections c
where c.section_set_key = r1.collection_key
and c.is_active=1 and level=2 and target_key in
select p.home_collection_key
from eln_people p )
start With r1.collection_key = (select min(section_set_key) as section_set_key from ena_collections where name='Everyone') connect by nocycle prior
r1.target_key =r1.collection_key
and level <= 5="5">
order by 1;
You will see requested information as database output; no changes are made to ELN GUI.
Note: If you still need assistance, contact support
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