ELN offers the possibility to auto calculate amounts of chemicals by using equivalents, but this feature doesn`t take into account the purity of the chemicals (by default).
Is there`s a way to tell the program to take purities into account for calculation?
Example: user want to use 1 equivalent of NaH. If it has purity of 100%, the program calculates the right "equivalent/amount". Usually, NaH has a purity of 60%. In this case the calculated amount isn't equal to the amount needed for the reaction.
You can alter columns/properties by going to
Everyone -> Configuration -> User -> Section types -> Reaction section -> Section type configuration -> Fields -> Reactants -> Custom properties -> New property
You can alter Equivalents calculations by going to
Everyone -> Configuration -> User -> Section types -> Reaction section -> Section type configuration -> Reactants -> Field listeners -> Formula -> Custom properties -> Property: Equivalents
and changing the query, adding purity to calculations.
We strongly recommend testing any changes on staging/test environment before applying changes to Prod server.
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