While trying login to E-Notebook user gets different 404 connectivity related issues.
Error Connecting
Sorry, an error occurred while opening a client connection: while
initializing global variables: an error occurred on the business tier:
The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.
Sorry, an error occurred when sending a command to the business tier
(The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found,).
Please review your latest changes and what operation was attempted to find the cause of the error.
This review can be done by cancelling the current command and continue working online or by working offline.
Do you want to work offline?
Try changing C:\Program files (x86)\Cambridgesoft\E-Notebook\Web.config on ELN application server:
1. httpRuntime maxRequestlength: from 102400 to 102400000
2. adding following entry to tag clause:
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="104857600" />
Note: If you still need assistance, contact support
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