Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
How to include additional properties along with the default ones that show up when using Reactant autotext?
1. Log into E-Notebook as an application administrator.
2. Browse to Everyone -> Configuration -> ... ->
Section types -> Reaction -> [right-click] ->
Section Type Configuration.
4. Go to Fields -> Reactants -> Field Listeners ->
New Field Listener.
5. Give this new listener a name (e.g. 'Table Enhance'), and select
'ENTableUtils9.TableEnhanceAddin' from the "Implementation" dropdown
6. Go to Custom Properties.
7. Under "Primary Description", select 'Name' from the dropdown list.
8. Under "Available Display Properties", pick all desired properties
using the arrow '>' button, so that they are moved from
"Available" to "Selected" box. You can arrange the order of their
appearance using the 'Up'/'Down' buttons.
9. Click OK.
10. Close the "Section Type Configuration" dialog.
11. Refresh application (Data -> Refresh All).
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