Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
I have created a custom experiment type to be used by a restricted group of users in ELN. I have removed the "Inherits Security" check from the collection type and assigned the proper permissions. Now all ELN users get an error message at login about a key not found. What is missing from my configuration?
All users need to have "Read" access to all collections in ELN 2014. The permissions to create collections are granted using a Global Addin. These are the steps for your specific case:
1- Browse to the new experiment type.
2- Right click on it and select "Collection Properties".
3- Check the "Inherits Security" box.
4- Close "Collection properties".
5- Still as an admin, go to Everyone and open the "Data" tab.
6- Click "System".
7- Go to the Global Add-ins.
8- Select "Collection Creation" from the Global-Add-ins list.
9- Click the wrench tool icon to the right of the "Implementation" drop-down.
10- Select the custom experiment type from the list.
11- Select the "can only be created by" radio button.
12- Click the plus sign to the right.
13- Select the users or user groups you want to grant access. Click OK.
14- Close the configuration and refresh ELN (F5).
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