Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
How can we configure the session timeout in E-Notebook?
If an E-Notebook session is left open and inactive for a specific
period of time, the session will be terminated. E-Notebook
Administrator configures this session timeout period. The timeout
period value is obtained from the session timeout row in the ELN
PARAMETERS table. By default, the timeout period is configured as 360
minutes (6 hours). As an administrator, you can configure the session
timeout period by manually updating the value for the session timeout
entry in ELN PARAMETERS table. This parameter is specified in minutes.
For recent versions, this information is documented in the
E-Notebook Administrator Guide under “Configuring Session Timeout”.
You can also modify the timeout value as follows:
1. Create the following text file in any text editor
(e.g. Notepad):
<parameter name = "session_timeout"/>
<parameter name = "session_timeout">
name = "data"
default = "5"
prompt = "Enter the timeout in minutes"
title = "Timeout"/>
2. Rename this file from .TXT to .XML.
3. Log in to E-Notebook as an administrator.
4. Go to “Everyone” -> “Configuration".
5. Right-click on the "Configuration" folder for
6. Select the attached XML file, and click “Open”.
7. Enter the desired timeout in minutes (default
value in this XML is 5 minutes), and click “OK”.
8. Refresh E-Notebook (F5).
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