Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
After patching Oracle we are receiving the following error message when we try to save a reaction drawing in ELN.
--------------------------- Error Saving Contents --------------------------- Sorry, while saving experiment "Untitled Notebook-002", an error occurred while executing the SQL "UPDATE ELN_chemical_structures SET CDXML = :cdxml, cdxml_size = :cdxmlSize, cdxml_index = :cdxmlIndex, cdx_text = :cdxText WHERE primary_key = :pKey": ORA-29877: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXUPDATE routine ORA-06520: PL/SQL: Error loading external library ORA-06522: Unable to load DLL.
To discard any changes and continue, click Yes. To back up any changes, make further changes or try to save again, click No.
Do you want to discard any changes made to experiment "Untitled Notebook-002" and continue? --------------------------- Yes No ---------------------------
In the Oracle installation path, find the location of file CSCartridge. Make a copy and paste it in the equivalent location in the new Oracle installation path created by the patch.
Example: If they were in C:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN\ paste it in C:\app\Administrator\product\\dbhome_1\BIN
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