Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
How can we give permissions on a user’s notebook to another user? A chemist has left the company and left a few experiments open, we need to allow another chemist access to his notebook so he can close the experiments.
If you want User2 to close experiments in User1’s “Notebook-X”, please
do the following as an E-Notebook administrator:
1. Right-click on Notebook-X -> Collection
Properties -> Collection Security -> Grant… -> browse to User2
-> Continue -> All Types of Collections -> Grant -> Close.
2. Still on the “Collection Security” tab, in
“Assigned Access Privileges” box, highlight the row:
Grantee =
‘User2’, Privilege = ‘Read All Collections’
3. Change “Type of Access for User2” in the
dropdown from ‘Read’ to ‘Read and Write’.
4. Go to “Transition Security” tab -> Grant…
-> browse to User2 -> Continue -> select all available
transition types (e.g. with the Shift key) -> Grant.
5. Click “OK”.
6. Refresh E-Notebook (View -> Refresh, or
Ask User2 to login to E-Notebook and try the changes. When User2 will
be closing User1’s experiments, he would need unchecking User1 as a
cosigner in the “Verify Cosigner” dialog. If prompted for a reason, he
can type something like “User1 has left the company and is no longer
available to complete the workflow”.
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