Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
How to create a new user group in E-Notebook?
You create a User Group just as you would create another collection.
You can then add Users to the group, and the Users automatically
inherit the security profile of the group. It is possible to add
additional permissions to a User's individual security profile as well.
To create a User Group:
1. Right-click the collection to which you want to
add the User Group. This is often the root collection of E-Notebook.
A menu appears.
2. Select “New”.
A list of the collections you may add appears.
3. Select “User Group”.
E-Notebook Administrator's Guide
-> E-Notebook Management -> Groups -> Creating a User Group.
You also need to create a User Configuration under the group so that
every user will get their User Configuration automatically once they
login first time:
E-Notebook Administrator's Guide
-> E-Notebook Management -> Configuration Folders.
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