Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
SDM is not working from a user's computer. Every time we attempt to upload a file we get the following error:
Sorry, Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
We tried to install SDM client again and received this:
Policy level 'User' could not be saved.
If you have run SDM client installer several tmes, it's very likely that you will have more than one instance of .NET permissions created. Do the following:
1- Download and install .NET Framework 2.0 SDK.
2- Browse to Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative tools
3- Locate the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool and open it
4- Go to My Computer -> Runtime Security Policies -> Machine -> Code Groups -> All Codes
5- Verify that there are no duplicated entries for eLNB, if any duplicates exist please delete them.
6- Do the same for My Computer -> Runtime Security Policies -> User -> Code Groups -> All Codes.
7- Go back to My Computer -> Runtime Security Policies -> Machine -> Code Groups -> All Codes.
8- Right click on it and select Properties.
9- Go to the Permissions tab and select Full Trust from the :Permission set" drop-down.
10- Run CSSDMCASSetup.exe again.
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