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Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
How to replace Old UserID with New UserId in ELN?
Updating the ELN UserID
After changing the UserID in ELN, it will not update the DB Schema. We need to manually update DB tables.
Resulting Errors:
- Error initialization field waiting documents: the user name UserID is not recognized.
- Unauthorized user/User not defined - If the users are as witness in the earlier experiments.
Steps to apply the changes:
- Login into ELN with admin user, right click on the UserID (Which had to be renamed) > UserInfo > Change the UserID as required.
- Go to - ELN installation location...\CSDocStore\DataBase\Change_LTA_User_Name\
- Run CREATE_Change_LTA_User batch file (Execute only once).
- Enter Oracle System User Name & Password and LTA Schema Name accordingly.
- It creates Stored Procedure and Audit table.
- Run Call_SP_Change_LTA_User batch file (This needs to be executed individually every time after updating UserID in ELN individually).
- Enter Oracle System User Name & Password and LTA Schema Name accordingly.
- Enter “Administrator Name” , “New User Name” and “Old User Name”.
- It updates all tables and enters details to Audit table.
This script is required only when the User is being used as a Witness or Author or Coauthor in Sign and Close of any experiment and thereafter changing the UserID of that particular User.
- Do not execute these batch files on a deactivated UserID.
- While changing the OLD UserID to New UserID, Make Sure the New UserID is unique (As unique check would not be performed by this batch file). If New UserID overrides any existing UserID, those changes cannot be rolled back.
- This process works for both ELN authentication (LDAP and Oracle).
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