Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
How to enable logging in E-Notebook from the application interface?
In versions 11.0.3 and higher, you can use E-Notebook interface to get
the following log files:
a) Application Server Log
b) Client Log
c) Error Log
You need to enable (a) and (b) from the application interface to get these
log files. No need to enable (c).
1. Login to E-Notebook.
2. In the application menu “Tools” -> “Logging”, and do both “Clear
Client Log” and “Clear Error Log”.
3. Enable the logging by turning ON the following items:
a) “Tools” -> “Logging” -> “Application Server”
b) “Tools” -> “Logging” -> “Client”
4. Then repeat your steps leading to the issue.
5. Check “Tools” -> “Logging” for “Show Client Log”. Save this Client
Log to a text file.
6. Check “Tools” -> “Logging” for “Show Error Log”. Save this Error
Log to a text file.
7. Go to “C:\Temp\ENLogs\” on your Middle Tier Server, and find there
the Application Server log file just created. The file name can be like
“ENSession000000000543.log”, and the date created is the moment of your test
(step 4 here). If you do not see “ENLogs” folder under “C:\Temp\”, do a
search for “ENLogs” folder on your Application Server machine.
Sometimes (a) is not generated, e.g. when the issue is limited to the Client
See also:
How to enable logging in E-Notebook 11.0.3 from the configuration files?
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