How can you move users from one user group to another?
The following configuration change is needed:
1. Login to E-Notebook as an administrator.
2. Right-click in the collection tree box, select "Go To" from the contextual menu, and then select "Browse All" from the sub menu that pops up.
3. Go to "Everyone" -> "Configuration" -> "Collection Types" -> "User Group" -> [right click] -> "Collection Type Configuration".
4. In the "Collection Type Configuration" dialog, expand "Contained Collection Types".
5. Select "Users" from the list, and ensure that the following checkboxes are checked:
- "Users can be Moved into User Groups".
- "Users can be Moved from User Groups into Different Collections".
6. Close the dialog, and refresh the application (from the application menu "View" -> "Refresh", or by "F5" hotkey).
Now simply drag and drop users from one user group into another.
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