Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
Rendering errors about corrupted memory
Sometimes when exporting an experiment to Word or PDF, or doing Sign and
Close, users recieve errors like:
Error Choosing Command
Sorry, while rendering, while exporting the selected information: an error
occurred while positioning content within the master export document: Attempted
to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory
is corrupt.
Error creating rendition to E-Signatures:
while rendering, while exporting the selected information: while copying page
setup from the export template to master document: Attempted to read or write
protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
This looks like related to MS Office 2007.
When upgrading to 2007 version from 2003, or installing updates for MS Office
2007, sometimes errors about corrupted memory are displayed in the E-Notebook.
The exact reason for this "corruption" has not been established yet.
Ways to solve this problem on affected machines:
1. Repair MS Office 2007.
2. Install further updates for MS Office, or re-install present.
3. In the last it is also possible to re-install MS Office 2007 from scratch.
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