Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
"Offline button" is not visible in the E-Notebook client UI
The "Offline button" is not visible in the E-Notebook client user interface.
The following pereqesites need to be fullfilled to enable the offline button in
the ELN client (this does not affect the "Offline" button in the ELN login
1. An "Offline folder" needs to be configured for the user that is currently
logged into the ELN client.
2. The Windows user needs to have write access to the file "C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Application Data\ENotebook 9.0\ENClientConfig.xml" . In this
file, the element dbgiud is used by the offline feature to match up data with
the appropriate database. This value is filled in automatically when the use
logs in online.
3. The "ENOffline.udl" file needs to exist in the "C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\ENotebook 9.0\" folder, and should point to the correct
name of the local computer. You can use the "localhost" name instead of the
local computer name, too.
Problems have been reported by customers using a push installation mechanism
and can usually be resolved by
manually deleting and recreating the offline database (MSSQL$CAMBRIDGESOFT).
For a push installation, the ENOffline.udl file should contain "localhost\CAMBRIDGESOFT"
instead of an actual
computer name.
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