Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to move the folder in which TIBCO Spotfire client saves user settings to another location.
By default, Spotfire saves all user settings in the folder “%LOCALAPPDATA%\TIBCO\Spotfire\X.X\”.
There is currently no setting in Spotfire to change this location.
If you would like to use another location you can redirect the folder using what's called a Junction.
This article will go through the steps needed to do this.
You can use the command "mklink" in windows to create a Junction.
A Junction is basically a redirection of one folder to another.
This mean that whenever Spotfire saves something in the "%localappdata%\Tibco" folder, then the Junction makes it so that it is saved in the new location instead.
To create the Junction you need to run the command in a command prompt.
The command is: mklink /J "%localappdata%\TIBCO" "Path to new folder"
Example: To point to the folder "D:\Spotfire" the command would be mklink /J "%localappdata%\TIBCO" "D:\Spotfire" .
When creating the junction it is important that you make sure that the target folder exists.
The command to create the junction does not create the target folder, so if the target folder does not exist, the junction will not work.
The "%localappdata%\Tibco" folder must NOT exist. If the %localappdata%\Tibco folder exists when running the command, it'll fail.
If the %localappdata%\Tibco folder exist, then move all content of the folder to the new target and then delete the folder.
- Mklink (Microsoft Docs)
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