Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Fail to open Information link with Oracle Stored procedure Error - Failed to execute query: Unsupported JDBC data type in query result: REFCURSOR
Fail to open Information link with Oracle Stored procedure
Failed to execute query: Unsupported JDBC data type in query result: REFCURSOR
The above error is generally caused if the Stored Procedure syntax is incorrect.
e.g. Incorrect Syntax - The stored procedure is missing data type declaration.
Create function functionName(val1, val2) return SYS_REFCURSOR;
Open aaaa for Select * From dual;
Return aaaa;
End functionName;
Below is the correct syntax with valid datatypes
Create or replace function functionName(val in varchar2,val2 in varchar2) return SYS_REFCURSOR AS aaaa SYS_REFCURSOR;
Open aaaa for Select * From dual;
Return aaaa;
End ;
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