Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to configure the retry-count when a scheduled update fails.
How to configure the retry-count when a scheduled update fails. Resolution:
Limit the number of tries of Scheduled Updates attempts to load an analysis file that fails. By default, Schedules Updates will try to load an analysis that fails to load continuously until it succeeds. To limit this retry, followin the steps below.
For Version 7.0 and below
1). Open the Web Player installation directory]\webroot\Web.config in a text editor.
2). Locate the node with the name spotfire.dxp.web (<spotfire.dxp.web>).
3). In the spotfire.dxp.web node, locate the node setup (<setup>).
In the setup node, locate the node scheduledUpdates (<scheduledUpdates).
Add the node stopUpdatesAfterRepeatedFail="true" if it does not exist as follows:
<scheduledUpdates enabled="false" useLibrary="true" libraryFileName="ScheduledUpdates" settingsFile="App_Data\ScheduledUpdates.xml" concurrentUpdates="2" updateIntervalSeconds="60">
< forcedUpdate enabled="true" maximumRejectedUpdates="2" />
<stopUpdatesAfterRepeatedFail enabled="true" failsBeforeStop="3" />
<externalUpdate keepAliveMinutes="10">
4). Save the file.
5). Once you are done with the configurations, make sure to restart the Web Player (Application Pool) to ensure that the new settings take effect.
For version 7.5 , 7.6 and 7.7
1). Open a command line and export the service configuration by using the export-service-config command.
2). Open the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config file in a text or XML editor and locate the following section. By default, this file is located in the \tomcat\bin\config\root directory.
3). Enable stopUpdatesAfterRepeatedFail by setting to "True".
<stopUpdatesAfterRepeatedFail enabled="True" failsBeforeStop="3" stopOnlyWhenCached="true" alwaysRetryWhenScheduled="true"/>
4). Import the configuration back into the Spotfire Server by using the import-service-config command.
For Version 7.8 and above
1). Open a command-line interface and export the active configuration (the configuration.xml file) by using the export-config command.
2). Enter the following command to limit the number of scheduled update retries:
config config-scheduled-updates-retries --stop-updates-after-repeated-fail enabled=true --fails-before-stop=XX where XX is the number of times to retry the update.
3). Import the configuration file back to the Spotfire database by using the import-config command.
4). Restart Spotfire Server.
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