Product: ChemBioOffice Enterprise
Some times no structures will be displayed in the results window of ChemOffice Webserver Enterprise applications like ChemReg and Acx
In ChemOffice Webserver Enterprise sometimes ChemReg system and ChemACX was not able to display structures. The users are able to submit substructure searches and get appropriate results, but no structures will be displayed in the results windows
Solution:Microsoft includes as a default extension mapping a dll that is designated to read their file extension .cdx. This conflicts with our chemdraw extension. Normally our installers will remove the default Microsoft mapping, so that we can set up ChemDraw to be the default reader for that extension. The problem may arise when the MS default settings were restored on a server or our installers were not run correctly.
Remove the MS .cdx mapping as given below: Go to the IIS manager and browse down to the server machine-default web site Find the CFWTemp virtual directory and right-click 'properties' In the Virtual Directory tab click 'configuration' On the App Mappings tab find the .cdx extension and remove it. This should allow structures to be displayed right away
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