Date Posted:
Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
E-Notebook crashes when adding some complex structures
The issue might be with the name generation for large structures. The
workaround is to use Enhanced
Salt Weight Addin in
"Identify Salt and Solvate" field listeners for both Product and
Reactants fields. There is an option to set the Molecular Weight to a
specified value, e.g. 2000, before computing the name. For
configuration, please refer to
Administrator's Guide
-> E-Notebook Add-ins Configuration -> Enhanced Salt
Handling Addin -> Salt Weight Field Listener
- Property to be checked before computing the name from structure: Enter the property and limiting value for the structure to name conversion. For example, if you enter the limiting property as Molecular Weight and limiting value as 2000, then whenever the Molecular Weight is greater than or equal to 2000, the name will not be generated for the structure. This is typically configured when you do not want to generate the name for large structure due to various reasons.
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