Product: E-Notebook Enterprise
Show History in View Signed Versions does not work for experiments of inactive users
The following error message appears for "View Signed Versions" ->
"Show History" command over an inactive user's experiment:
Sorry, the user name "XXXXX" is not
As an E-Notebook administrator, make the following configuration change:
Everyone -> Collection Types ->
User -> [right click] ->
Collection Type Configuration -> States -> Inactive -> Change
and Annotation Rules -> For Existing Sections = "Writable with
prompted Optional Annotation" (originally it was "Read-only").
NOTE: You will no longer see the lock on inactive users' icons. If you
still want a distinct icon for inactive
users, you can do the following:
1. As an E-Notebook administrator, go to Everyone -> Collection Types -> User
-> [right click] -> Collection Type Configuration -> States
-> Inactive.
2. Select a new icon from the "Icon Name" dropdown on the right side.
3. Close the "Collection Type Configuration" dialog.
4. Refresh E-Notebook (from the application menu "View" ->
"Refresh", or F5).
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