Login to Signals Data Factory admin client machine, where `kubectl` commands were used to deploy your system. Execute the following command to see if there are any failed pods:
kubectl get po
You should see a list of pods, similar to the following:
Note that there is a column named “STATUS”, normally all the status should be “Running”. If any of the pods are crashing, they will have the status of “CrashLoopBackOff”. Find the pod whose status is “CrashLoopBackOff”, then use the following command to see the details:
kubectl describe po <pod_name>
(where <pod_name> is the name of the pod that has the “CrashLoopBackOff” state)
At this point, Kubernetes should give you the details of the crashing pod. This info should be copied and sent to Revvity Support.
If there is no pod in the “CrashLoopBackOff” state, all the pods are Running, then please use the following command to get the log of the primary-api pod:
kubectl logs <primary-api-pod>
(where the <primary-api-pod> is the name of the primary api pod. In the example above, it is “sdf-cs-signals-primary-api-67cbfd49bc-jhmk9”)
The output should be copied and sent to Revvity Support.
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