Keywords: SNB, Signals Notebook, import, add data, edit, Spotfire Analyst, dxp, ADT
Detail: This workflow will allow you to add Signals Notebook (SNB) Administrator Defined Table (ADT) data to a Spotfire .dxp file using the Editable Data Grid App.
1/ Signals Notebook URL Preference
Before starting make sure the SNB URL has been set in the Signals App's preference.
- Log in to Spotfire Analyst as an admin user
- Tools menu > Administration Manager
- Preference (tab) > Select your target group (i.e your Vitro Vivo App users) > Signals Apps > Signals Notebook
- Here you should find the URL, edit 'if' needed then restart Spotfire Analyst for changes to take effect.
2/ Add and edit the .dxp from SNB
- Log in to the SNB
- Add Content > Spotfire File then select your chosen .dxp
- Once added click the padlock to lock the file 'Indefinitely' for editing
- Then open the file for editing by clicking the Spotfire icon
3/ Add Editable Data Grid and import Administrator Defined Table data from SNB
For the final step to work successfully you will need an Administrator Defined Table of data within the SNB experiment.
- As above, with the file opened from the SNB go to Tools > Signals Apps
- From the SignalsVitroVivo page select Apps then from Screening select Editable Data Grid
- From Populate Editable Data Grid from: menu select (Signals Notebook)
- Available ADTs will appear in the drop-down menu
If you do not have available ADTs the list will appear empty
- Finally save the file to write any changes back to the SNB
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