The Signals Line Listing Review (SLLR) module is incorporated into the tabular views of Revvity Signals' Clinical Data Review template. Individual or bulk line listings in a study (created from the template) can be marked as ‘In Progress’ ‘Queried’ or ‘Reviewed’. Sometimes when refreshing these row states or even when opening this view in Spotfire, the Spotfire client displays errors in red font for each row.
The SignalsMedicalReviewTool.log (located on the LLR Spotfire server at Drive:\<install location>\SignalsClinical\Logs) contains entries similar to that shown below, which correlate in time to the above events:
2023-04-21 17:12:05,901 ERROR ReviewApplicationEventHandler Unable to refresh the review data for table AE, error:System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> "System.Exception: MultiStatesLineItem parser error "
As a solution, on your Spotfire Analyst client machine go into the Windows Control Panel > Clock and Region> Region settings and change its value to match that of your Spotfire Server. For example, per the below picture you might set the value to "English(US)".
Note that version 2022.3.0 of the SLLR User Guide states this Windows setting value is required to match. The below snippet is pasted from Section 2.4:
All Spotfire clients must have the same date/time format as the Spotfire server to avoid data
In addition, the following is pasted from Section 11 of the same document:
It is necessary that the Signals Medical Review Task is run on the Spotfire Server directly (via jumpbox), or from a system where the Windows OS Locale uses the exact same settings as the Spotfire Server and Automation Services Server. This can be found by accessing Control Panel > Region and Language > Formats tab.
Finally, the below content is pasted from Section 5:
Spotfire servers and clients using different date and time formats will cause Line Listing Review state to
change to “Amended’ after running the Automation Services task “Signals Medical Review” or study
configuration. Medical Reviewers and Study Admins should use the same date/time format on their client
machines to avoid this.
After modifying this Windows setting it is best to close all sessions of your Analyst client, and then relaunch Analyst.
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