Developers in Signals Notebook and Signals Research Suite should note that Inventory will be updated to give more meaningful error codes, the error codes provided via the External API will now better align the API with the user interface, specifically regarding 4xx (400, 409 and 412) error codes. This change will be made in a future release. The following codes will now be returned: 456 (BARCODE_IN_USE), 457 (INVALID_COORDINATES), 458 (NAME_IN_USE), 459 (TYPE_NOT_EDITABLE), 460 (ANCESTOR_NOT_EDITABLE), 461 (PROPERTY_OR_FIELD_NOT_EDITABLE), 462 (ENTITY_IN_USE), 463 (NOT_A_GRID), 464 (INVALID_TYPE), 465 (CONTAINER_NOT_DISPOSED), 466 (CONTAINER_DISPOSED_OR_FINAL_DISPOSED), 467 (TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED), and 468 (VALUE_OUT_OF_BOUND).
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