This is an example on how to connect Postman to get the user list information from Signals Notebook.
I. SNB/Swagger part.
- Log in to Signals Notebook as an administrator.
- Go to System Configuration > System Settings > API Key.
- Provide your Email address, and click the "Generate API Key" button.
- Copy the value of API Key.
- Click on the "Open API Document" link. Swagger page opens.
- Click on the "Authorize" button.
- Paste the value of API Key > click "Authorize" > "Close".
- On the Swagger page, click on "Users" to see the list of available endpoints.
- Click on GET /users > "Try it out" > "Execute".
RESULT: Server response should have Code '200', and Response body should contain JSON with the user list data.
- Copy Request URL (just above Server response).
II. Postman part.
- Open a new request tab > GET > paste the Request URL from Swagger into the "Enter request URL" field. "Params" will be filled in automatically.
- Under "Authorization", choose Type = 'API Key'. Enter as follows:
Key: x-api-key
Value: [paste the value of API Key from Signals Notebook]
Add to: Header
- Click "Send".
RESULT: Server response should have Status '200 OK', and response Body should contain JSON with the user list data.
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