The E-Notebook application server now generates and stores svg images for each chemical structure in eln_structures. This process is initiated from the oracle instance and requires an Oracle Access Control List that grants the Oracle database instance the privilege to communicate to the application server.
If you specified an incorrect application server name during the E-Notebook installation or in scenarios where the application server name changed (e.g. the database was copied/imported from a different environment, or the hostname simply changed) you need to set an Oracle ACL with the correct application server name for the database to properly retrieve svg images.
To check the current ACLs in the system and their assigned privileges, run the following statement as SYSTEM:
select * from dba_network_acls acls inner join dba_network_acl_privileges aclp on
The ACL for CDXMLToImage requires "connect" privilege.
After identifying the ACL that has the old/incorrect server name, using the value from the column "ACL" on the previous query, use the following anonymous block to drop it:
Then create the correct ACL:
DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.append_host_ace (
host => 'app_server_name',
lower_port => NULL,
upper_port => NULL,
ace => xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('connect'),
principal_name => 'ENDB',
principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db));
Where 'app_server_name' needs to be replaced by the application server name and 'ENDB' should be the E-Notebook schema name.
By default no port restrictions are setup, you can optionally set the lower and upper port values to your CDXMLToImage port values, by default port 83 is used.
Changes take effect immediately.
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